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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Whose afraid of the big black bat?

My husband is! Last night as I was lying in bed, I heard the too close for comfort sound of wings flapping. And in the glow of the television I could see a bat zooming around my room. I, of course, woke my husband thinking he would take care of it, but instead he took cover under the sheets. I immediately followed suit. He was seriously concerned that the bat was going to stick to his head. Apparently, the only bat encounter he is familiar with is from the scene in Goonies!

Anyway, we began to plot the bat's demise from inside our tent of covers while watching it fly rampant around the room in the mirror. Neither one of us was anxious to come out of hiding to be the hero. And where was our dog anyway, shouldn't she, the ever so protective golden retriever, be concerned about this uninvited visitor in her house. I guess not because she didn't awake from her spot on the cool kitchen floor until morning.

Once the bat headed into the kids room, we both jumped up with newly found courage. Plus, it was getting a little hard to breathe under the covers. My husband, armed with a bath towel, went into the kids room swinging! All I could see from the doorway were flashes of wings followed by flashes of sage green terry cloth. Finally, the commotion stopped, but where was the bat? It wasn't hanging from the ceiling in usual bat fashion, so I wasn't taking any chances. I grabbed the kids and headed back to the safety of my own bedroom. We opened the window in the kids room and closed the door, hoping the little black menace would find it's own way out! Needless to say, I didn't sleep a wink and am not convinced that it's gone! How it got in, we are still not sure but tonight my husband is taking a tennis racket to bed!!!


  1. With a wastepaper basket over his like The Great Outdoors! Great story!

  2. love it!!! Had me laughing right from the sart-esp picturing John Paul's reaction! Clasic...
