All this nostalgia is stemming from my trip to Ithaca this weekend. We took the kids to see the Fall foliage, where I went to college and just get away and spend the weekend together. While we did exactly that, I left with a sense of wanting to slow life down and focus on living in the moment.
It's was bizarre to go back to my college town. Upon arrival, I instantly yearned for that carefree time in my life. I was missing my girlfriends and realizing that we never really knew how good we had it. I mean when are you ever going to have that much free time on your hands, or live with 5 of your closest girlfriends? Never again will you go into a bar and know all the people in it. College was am amazing experience and it went by way too fast. Although I enjoyed every minute of it, I couldn't wait to graduate, get married and have kids.
So this weekend, I did it! I slowed down! We went hiking and I let the kids lollygag behind.
I soaked in my surroundings and found Ithaca more beautiful then I ever remembered it.
I let the kids throw one more rock, exhaust themselves on the playground and stay up past their bedtime.
It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But I'm making it my mission to stop and take it all. Cause it goes by so fast and you can't go back!
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