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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Caught a big one

Dylan was so excited to use his new tackle box that he got for Easter, so after school yesterday we headed to my in-laws lake house for some fishing and dinner.

Dylan's excitement lead him to choose the biggest lure equipped with 2 hooks out of his box. My husband explained that it wasn't necessary for the small fish we catch at the lake but he happily attached it to the line to appease my son.

After only a few casts, Dylan exclaimed: "Dad, I think I got a big one here!"

John figured he had snagged some weeds but kept encouraging Dylan to reel in his catch. Much to our surprise, there actually was a fish at the end of the line. It was a small northern pike and Dylan was jumping up and down with pride.

But the big fancy lure, proved to be a problem. With the fish flopping on the dock and 2 hooks attached to him, my husband called for pliers. By the time I ran in the house to grab them, the situation took a turn for the worse.

One hook had been successfully removed from the fish, but was know stuck in my husband! It was embedded so deep there was no way he could get it out himself. Dylan started to get upset and luckily our neighbor came over to see what all the commotion was about. He took John to the emergency room to get the lure cut out and I stayed back with the kids.

To reassure Dylan that his dad was fine, I told him he would be right back and that the doctor just had to cut the lure off and put a band-aid on his finger. Well a half-hour turned into an hour which turned into 2. I could see Dylan was anxiously awaiting his dad's return.

"Mom, dad will be brave right?"
"Of course!"
"The important thing is that he is ok."

A long pause.

"Do you think he'll bring me back my lure?"

And so he reveals the real reason for his concern! A true fishermen already!

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