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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just five minutes of Pilates!

Ok, so it was more like 55 minutes but is that really a lot to ask? Sunday night Dylan asked to relax and watch a movie before bed and I obliged. We had spent the entire weekend outside, so I wasn't feeling guilty about some down time. He was happy watching Toy Story on the couch so I thought I could sneak away and get a little Pilates in. TV doesn't really hold a 15 month old's attention so I brought Camryn downstairs with me and set her up with a plethora of toys. But nothing is more fun than using mommy as a jungle gym. The minute I laid on my mat, she was on me like white on rice. She was happily bouncing up and down on my stomach, with a giggle that is hard to be mad at. I tried to work around her but she was really inhibiting my movements. When she finally did leave me alone it was to turn the TV on and off or to adjust the volume knob on the receiver. She was grabbing at my glasses and hitting me over the head with her brother's toy hammer. I heard her splashing in the dog's bowl as if it was a water table. I figured, no harm, it's almost bathtime anyway. Anything that would keep her busy long enough for me to get my pilates in. But when I saw her pop a piece of kibble into her mouth, I knew there was no hope for a little "me" time. Frustrated and defeated I turned off my video, grabbed Camryn and went upstairs to show her the magic that Disney/Pixar has to offer.

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